At-Home Laser Hair Removal Aftercare: The Ultimate Guide by a Dermatologist

Elevate your at-home laser hair removal experience with expert aftercare insights from a dermatologist, ensuring optimal results and radiant, hair-free skin.

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What happens after laser hair removal?

In our clinic, we emphasize the crucial role of aftercare in maximizing the benefits of at-home laser hair removal.

The success of the treatment depends on the device's efficacy and how well individuals care for their skin post-treatment.

Proper aftercare not only ensures a comfortable recovery but also contributes to the long-term effectiveness of the procedure.

In this guide, I will delve into the specific steps and considerations for effective at-home laser hair removal aftercare.

General Timeline: Post-IPL

Aftercare aims to promote healing, prevent complications, and maintain the effectiveness of your IPL treatment.

DAY 1: Immediate Aftercare


Post-Treatment Skin Assessment

Following your at-home laser hair removal session, conduct a post-treatment skin assessment. Gently examine the treated areas for normal reactions like mild redness or warmth.

If you encounter unexpected or intense reactions, document them and consider referring to our detailed article on post-laser cooling gels for additional guidance.

We recommend taking clear photos during this assessment to track changes over time.


Application of Recommended Post-Laser Cooling Gels

Apply the recommended soothing agents to the treated areas immediately after your skin assessment. These agents are chosen specifically for their calming properties to minimize potential discomfort. 

For a more in-depth discussion on post-treatment cooling gels, refer to our separate article dedicated to this topic. Ensure the even application of these agents as directed for a soothing and effective aftercare routine.

Related: The Best Cooling Gels for Laser Hair Removal


Avoid Specific Activities and Products

To promote optimal healing, refrain from specific activities and products in the hours following your at-home laser hair removal session. 

Here's a list of specific activities and products to avoid in the immediate aftermath of your at-home laser hair removal session:

  1. Hot Baths or Showers – Hot water can exacerbate skin sensitivity. Opt for lukewarm water instead.
  2. Saunas or Steam Rooms – Intense heat can irritate the treated skin, so avoiding saunas or steam rooms is advisable.
  3. Excessive Sun Exposure – Direct sun exposure can increase the risk of irritation and potential complications. If you must be outdoors, use sun protection.
  4. Excessive Sweating – Activities that induce heavy sweating, such as vigorous exercise, should be avoided to prevent additional irritation.
  5. Harsh Skincare Products – Refrain from using products with strong chemicals, acids, or exfoliants in treated areas. Stick to gentle, fragrance-free options.
  6. Hair Removal Methods – Avoid other hair removal methods between laser sessions, such as waxing or depilatory creams.
  7. Tight or Rough Clothing – Opt for loose, comfortable clothing to minimize friction and irritation on the treated areas.
  8. Touching or Scratching – Resist the urge to touch or scratch the treated areas, as this can introduce bacteria and hinder healing.
  9. Perfumes or Fragranced Lotions – Fragranced products can be irritating, so choose unscented moisturizers and avoid perfumes in the treated areas.
  10. Chlorinated Pools or Hot Tubs – Chemicals in pools or hot tubs can irritate the skin, so avoiding these immediately after treatment is best.

Remember, these guidelines are designed to protect and nurture your skin during the crucial initial stages of recovery. Following this list will contribute to a smoother healing process and enhance the overall effectiveness of your at-home laser hair removal treatment.

WEEK 1: Post-Treatment Care


Monitoring for any Adverse Reactions

During the first week after your at-home laser hair removal session, it's crucial to actively monitor for any adverse reactions. 

Keep a close eye on the treated areas for changes in skin texture, color, or any unexpected responses. 

While mild redness is normal, anything beyond that should be documented and reported. 

If you notice persistent or severe reactions, consult our earlier guidance or contact your dermatologist promptly.


Recommended Skincare Routine

Adopting a specialized skincare routine in the days following your at-home laser hair removal session can significantly contribute to a successful outcome. 

Our recommended skincare routine includes:

  1. Gentle Cleansing & Exfoliation – Cleanse the treated areas with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser to remove impurities without causing irritation. You can exfoliate about 2-3 times per week to remove dead skin cells and avoid ingrowns, but avoid scrubbing too hard.
  2. Hydration – Keep the skin well-hydrated with a non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic moisturizer. This helps maintain the skin barrier and promotes healing.
  3. Avoid Active Ingredients – Steer clear of skincare products containing active ingredients like retinoids or alpha hydroxy acids during this period to prevent unnecessary irritation.

Related: The Best Cooling Gels for Laser Hair Removal

Remember, adhering to this skincare routine aids in the recovery process and supports the long-term effectiveness of your at-home laser hair removal.


Sun Protection and Its Role in Aftercare

Sun protection is paramount in the days following your at-home laser hair removal session. Exposure to the sun's rays can exacerbate sensitivity and potentially lead to complications. Follow these sun protection guidelines:

  1. Apply Sunscreen – Use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on the treated areas, even if you're indoors. Reapply every two hours, especially if you're going outside.
  2. Protective Clothing – If you need to be outdoors, consider wearing loose clothing that covers the treated areas to shield them from direct sunlight.
  3. Avoid Tanning Beds – Steer clear of tanning beds during this period, as they can have adverse effects on the treated skin.

By diligently following these post-treatment care steps, you contribute to a smoother recovery and pave the way for optimal results in your at-home laser hair removal journey.

WEEKS 2-4: Ensuring Long-Term Results


Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

In weeks 2 to 4 following your at-home laser hair removal session, it's essential to grasp the dynamics of the hair growth cycle. 

Hair grows in different phases, and laser hair removal is most effective during the anagen phase when the hair is actively growing. 

While initial results may be visible, some follicles may have been dormant during treatment. 

Patience is key as you wait for these dormant follicles to enter the anagen phase for subsequent sessions to target effectively.


Managing Regrowth and Addressing Potential Issues

You may notice regrowth in the treated areas as you progress through the weeks. This is a normal part of the hair growth cycle. 

Manage regrowth by avoiding alternative hair removal methods like waxing or plucking, as these can interfere with the laser's effectiveness. 

If you experience any unexpected issues such as persistent redness, swelling, or discomfort, consult our earlier guidelines or contact your dermatologist promptly for personalized advice.

Related: How to Prevent Patchy Hair Growth After IPL: Ask a Laser Technician


Tips for Optimizing Results Between Sessions

To optimize results between at-home laser hair removal sessions, consider the following tips:

  1. Consistent Sessions – Adhere to the recommended frequency for your at-home laser hair removal device. Consistency is crucial for achieving optimal results.
  2. Avoid Sun Exposure – Continue practicing sun protection to prevent potential complications and maintain the skin's health between sessions.
  3. Hydrate and Nourish – Maintain a healthy diet and stay well-hydrated. Proper nutrition supports overall skin health and may positively impact the effectiveness of the treatment.
  4. Avoid Harsh Products – Refrain from using harsh skincare products on the treated areas. Stick to a gentle routine to minimize potential irritation.
  5. Monitor Changes – Keep a watchful eye on your skin and document any changes. This proactive approach ensures that any emerging issues can be addressed promptly.

Related: How Often Can You Do IPL/At-Home Laser Hair Removal?

By incorporating these practices into your routine during weeks 2 to 4, you set the stage for long-term success in your at-home laser hair removal journey. 

Remember, patience and consistency are key factors in achieving the best possible results.

Potential Side Effects and Troubleshooting


Identifying Common Side Effects

While at-home laser hair removal is generally safe, it's important to be aware of potential side effects. Common side effects may include:

  • Mild Redness – Normal after treatment, usually subsiding within a few hours.
  • Skin Sensitivity – Treated areas may feel sensitive or warm temporarily.
  • Minor Swelling – Some swelling can occur, particularly in more sensitive areas.

Related: Is At-Home Laser Hair Removal Safe? The Complete Safety Checklist for IPL Devices


Recommended Actions for Alleviating Discomfort

If you experience discomfort, consider these recommended actions:

  • Cool Compress – Apply a cool compress to alleviate redness and swelling.
  • Cooling Gels – Use post-laser cooling gels to soothe and hydrate the skin.
  • Avoid Irritants – Refrain from using harsh skincare products and irritating fabrics.

When to Consult a Dermatologist

While most side effects are temporary, certain situations warrant consulting a dermatologist:

  • Persistent Redness or Swelling – If redness or swelling persists beyond a few days.
  • Severe Discomfort – If you experience severe discomfort or pain.
  • Unusual Skin Reactions – In case of unexpected changes in skin texture, color, or other concerning reactions.
  • Infection Signs – If you notice signs of infection, such as increased redness, warmth, or discharge.

Remember, your safety is our priority. If you ever have uncertainties or encounter unexpected reactions, don't hesitate to reach out to your dermatologist.

They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation, ensuring that your at-home laser hair removal journey is both effective and comfortable.

Long-Term Maintenance


Frequency of Maintenance or “Top-Ups”

The frequency of maintenance sessions in at-home laser hair removal is not directly related to aftercare, but rather to your individual hair growth cycle.

However, proper aftercare can help ensure the effectiveness of your treatments and reduce the need for frequent top-ups.

Here's a bit more detail:

  • Proper aftercare helps maximize each laser session and allows the disrupted hair follicles time to shed. This includes things like avoiding sun, no picking/scratching, moisturizing, etc.
  • When proper aftercare is followed, maintenance treatments can be spaced out more – usually every 4-8 weeks during the maintenance phase.
  • If aftercare is not followed well, the disrupted hairs may not shed properly. Things like sun exposure can trigger new growth. Then maintenance would be needed more frequently to target those persistent hairs.
  • During the initial treatment phase, maintenance is usually needed every 2-4 weeks regardless of aftercare. This phase aims to impact all follicles in the growth cycle.
  • If someone is not seeing hair reduction after 4-6 months of regular treatments plus proper aftercare, then laser hair removal may not be effective for their situation.

The key takeaway is that proper aftercare allows for less frequent maintenance treatments long-term.

Skipping aftercare means follicles may release hairs sooner, necessitating more upkeep sessions.

Consistent aftercare and maintenance is crucial for best results.

Related: A Comprehensive Study on the Safety & Efficacy of At-Home IPL Hair Removal Devices


Monitoring Skin Health & Adjusting Your Routine

As you progress with at-home laser hair removal, stay vigilant about your skin's response.

Regularly assess the treated areas for any changes, including redness, irritation, or unexpected reactions.

Consider adjusting your routine if you notice variations in your skin's health.

This may involve modifying the frequency of sessions, energy settings, revising the skincare products you use, or implementing additional protective measures.

Adapting your routine ensures that you address your skin's evolving needs and contribute to the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

By incorporating these practices into your long-term maintenance plan, you not only maximize the benefits of at-home laser hair removal but also ensure that your skin remains healthy and vibrant.



  1. Liew, S. H. (2002). Laser hair removal: guidelines for management. American journal of clinical dermatology3, 107-115.
  2. Casey, A. S., & Goldberg, D. (2008). Guidelines for laser hair removalJournal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy10(1), 24-33.
  3. Buddhadev, R. M. (2008). Standard guidelines of care: Laser and IPL hair reduction. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology74, 68.
  4. Thomas, M. M., & Houreld, N. N. (2019). The “in’s and outs” of laser hair removal: a mini review. Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy21(6), 316-322.


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Kari Connolly
Dr. Kari Connolly MD, a board-certified dermatologist, is a Fellow of the American Board of Dermatology. She grew up in Chicago and served as a physician-scientist at the University of Washington for four years, studying skin inflammation and treating atopic dermatitis.